Peer reviewed publications
- Medich, M., Mindry, D., Tomlinson, M., RotheramBorus, M.J., Bantjes, J. and Swendeman, D. (2018) The pull of soccer and the push of Xhosa boys in an HIV and drug abuse intervention in the Western Cape, South Africa, SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 15:1, 187-199, DOI: 10.1080/17290376.2018.1541024
- Mindry, D., Woldetsadik, M., Wanyenze, R., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Finocchario-Kessler, S., Goggin, K., and G. Wagner. Benefits and challenges of safer-conception counseling for HIV serodiscordant couples in Uganda, International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2018, 44(1):xx–xx,
- Goggin, K., Hurley, E., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Gwokyalya, V., Finnochario-Kessler, S., Josephine Birungi, Mindry, D., Wanyenze, R.K., & Wagner, G.J. 2018. Study Protocol of “Our Choice”: Integrating Safer Conception Counseling to Transform HIV Family Planning Services in Uganda. BMC Implementation Science. doi: 10.1186/s13012-018-0793-y.
- Goggin, K., Hurley, E.A., Wagner, G.J., Staggs, V., Finocchario-Kessler, S., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Mindry, D., Birungi, J., & Wanyenze, R.K. 2018. Changes in providers’ self-efficacy and intentions to provide safer conception counseling over 24 Months. AIDS and Behavior.
- Mindry, D., P. Maharaj, T. Letsoalo, C. Munthree, T. Crankshaw. 2017. Knowing Client Rights and Meeting Their Needs: Provider knowledge and attitudes toward meeting the reproductive needs and rights of PLHIV in South Africa. M. Whithers and J. Toller-Erausquin, Global Perspectives on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Across the Lifecourse, Springer Publishing.
- Mindry, D., Wanyenze, R.K., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Woldetsadik, M.A., Finocchario-Kessler, S., Goggin, K. and Wagner, G., 2017. Safer Conception for Couples Affected by HIV: Structural and Cultural Considerations in the Delivery of Safer Conception Care in Uganda. AIDS and Behavior, 21(8): 2488-2496. DOI 10.1007/s10461-017-1816-4
- Farmer, S., Mindry, D., Comulada, W.S., Swendeman, D. (2017). Mobile Phone Ecological Momentary Assessment of Daily Stressors among People Living With HIV: Elucidating Factors Underlying Health-Related Challenges in Daily Routines. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. doi:
- Wagner, G.J., Linnemayr, S., Goggin, K., Mindry, D., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Finocchario-Kessler, S., Robinson, E., Birungi, J. and Wanyenze, R.K., 2017. Prevalence and Correlates of Use of Safer Conception Methods in a Prospective Cohort of Ugandan HIV-Affected Couples with Fertility Intentions. AIDS and Behavior, 21(8): 2479-2487. DOI 10.1007/s10461-017-1732-7
- Swendeman D, Farmer S, Mindry D, Lee S-J, Medich M. 2016. HIV Care Providers’ Attitudes regarding Mobile Phone Applications and Web-Based Dashboards to support Patient Self-Management and Care Coordination: Results from a Qualitative Feasibility Study. J HIV AIDS 2(4): 127-133. DOI: 10.16966/2380-5536.127
- Mindry, D., Milford, C., Rambally, L., Greener, R., Maharaj, P., Letsoalo, T., Munthree, C., Crankshaw, T., Smit. J. 2016. Client and provider knowledge and views on safer conception for PLHIV. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Journal. DOI 10.1016/j.srhc.2016.03.005
- Mindry, D., L. Knight, H. van Rooyen. 2015. Moralizing Discourses on Gender: Men Weighing HIV Risk in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 17(8):1035-48. DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2015.1027877
- Woldetsadik, M.A., K.J. Goggin, V.S. Staggs, R.K. Wanyenze, J. Beyeza-Kashesya, D.L Mindry, S. Finocchario-Kessler, S. Khanakwa and G.J Wagner. 2015. Safer Conception Methods and Counseling: Psychometric Evaluation of New Measures of Attitudes and Beliefs Among HIV Clients and Providers. AIDS and Behavior 20: 1370-1381.
- Kawale, P., D. Mindry, A. Phoya, P. Jensen, R. M. Hoffman. 2015. Provider attitudes about childbearing and knowledge of safer conception at two HIV clinics in Malawi. J. of Reproductive Health, 12:17. DOI 10.1186/s12978-015-0004-0
- Mindry, D., T.L. Crankshaw, P. Maharaj, C. Munthree, T. Lestsoalo, C. Milford, R.M. Greener, L. Rambally, S. Carpenter, J.A. Smit. 2015. “We have to try and have this child before it is too late”: The social dimensions of reproductive decisions and safer conception services for PLHIV. AIDS Care, 27(1): 25-30.
- Wagner GJ, Goggin K, Mindry D, Beyeza-Kashesya J, Finocchario-Kessler S, Woldetsadik MA, Khanakwa S, Wanyenze RK. 2015. Correlates of use of timed unprotected intercourse to reduce horizontal transmission among Ugandan HIV clients with fertility intentions. AIDS & Behavior; 19(6): 1078-88.
- Swendeman, D., A. E. Fehrenbacher, S. Ali, D. Mindry, M. Collins, T. Ghose, B. Dey. 2015. “Whatever I have, I have made by coming into this profession”: The intersection of resources, agency, and achievements in pathways to sex work in Kolkata, India. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44:1011–1023. DOI 10.1007/s10508-014-0404-1
- Goggin, K., Mindry, D., Beyeza-Kashesya, J., Finocchario-Kessler, S., Wanyenze, R., Nabiryo, C., & Wagner, G. 2014. “Our hands are tied up”: Current state of safer conception service provision and a new integrated care model. Health Care for Women International. Suppl: Women and Health in Africa, 35(7-9):990-1009.
- Crankshaw, T.L., D. Mindry, C. Munthree, T. Letsoalo, P. Maharaj. 2014. Challenges with couples, serodiscordance and HIV disclosure: Healthcare provider perspectives on delivering safer conception services for HIV-affected couples, South Africa. J. of the International AIDS Society, 17: 18832.
- Finocharrio-Kessler, S., R. Wanyenza, D. Mindry, J. Biyeza-Kashesya, K. Goggin, K. Nabiryo, G. Wagner. 2014. “I may not say we really have a method, it is gambling work”: Knowledge and acceptability of safer conception methods among providers and HIV clients in Uganda. Health Care for Women International. Suppl: Women and Health in Africa, 35(7-9): 896-917.
- Kawale, P., D. Mindry, S. Stramotas, P. Chilikoh, A. Phoya, K. Henry, D. Elashoff, P. Jansen, and R. Hoffman. 2013. Factors associated with desire for children among HIV-infected women and men: A quantitative and qualitative analysis from Malawi and implications for the delivery of safer conception counseling. AIDS Care, 26(6): 769-776.
- N. Iroezi, D. Mindry, P. Kawale, G. Chikowi, P. Jansen, R. Hoffman. 2013. A qualitative analysis of the barriers and facilitators to receiving care in a Prevention of Mother-to-Child program in Nkhoma, Malawi. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 17(4): 118-129.
- D. Mindry, G. Wagner, J. Lake, A. Smith, S. Linnemayr, M. Quinn, R. Hoffman. 2012. Fertility desires among HIV-infected men and women in Los Angeles County: Client needs and provider perspectives. Maternal and Child Health, 17(4): 593-600.
- D. Mindry, S. Maman, A. Chirowodza, T. Muravha, H. van Rooyen, Thomas Coates. 2011. Looking to the future: South African men and women negotiating HIV risk and relationship intimacy (Project Accept). Culture, Health and Sexuality, 13(5): 589-602.
- D. Mindry. 2010. Engendering care: HIV, humanitarian assistance in Africa and the reproduction of gender stereotypes. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 12(5): 555-568.
- D. Mindry. 2008. Neoliberalism, Activism and HIV/AIDS in Post-apartheid South Africa.Social Text, 94.
- D. Mindry. 2001. Non-Governmental Organizations, ‘Grassroots,’ and the Politics of Virtue. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 26(4). Special issue on “Gender and Globalization” A. Basu, C. Kaplan, I. Grewal, and L. Malkki (Eds.)
- Richards, M., Sano, M., Goldstein, S., Mindry, D., et al.1992. The stability of neuropsychological test performance in a group of parenteral drug users. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 9(4): 371.
- Stern, Y.; Marder, K.; Bell, K.; Chen, J.; Dooneief, G.; Goldstein, S.; Mindry, D.; Richards, M.; Sano, M.; Williams, J.; Gorman, J.; Ehrhardt, A.; Mayeux, R. 1991. Multidisciplinary baseline assessment of homosexual men with and without human immunodeficiency virus infection. Archives of General Psychiatry, 48:131-138.
Other publications
- Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, Teacher Curriculum. 2015. With U. of Rwanda College of Education (URCE) and UCLA African Studies for teacher training at URCE.
- Interrogating Global Health Interventions in Africa. Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa blog post with Kara Miller. October 5, 2016.