Services: List of Services Offered

Research design

  • We work with your team to design appropriate qualitative approaches to gather the information you need to design and offer successful interventions and support to communities in specific settings.
  • With our expertise in ethnography, participant observation, participatory research, interviewing (individuals, couples, families, and focus groups) and other creative qualitative methods we can help your team optimize the data collection to meet your goals and objectives.

Data analysis

  • We lead and manage data coding and analysis for your team or we deliver training in Atlas.ti and Dedoose.
  • We assist in setting up protocols and processes to ensure best practices and success of your data analysis team.

Training plan for your team

  • We develop training packages to meet the specific needs of your team that either we lead or you implement.
  • We assist your team in reviewing and/or designing interview guides for your project, training them in questionnaire design and develop your team’s interviewing skills to ensure good quality data.
  • We provide one on one coaching and development of individual leaders on your team.

Transcription and translation

  • We provide guidance in approaches to transcription and translation to suit your needs.
  • We can provide referrals to transcription and translation services or manage the process for you.